Missing Authentication - Server Component

The following blog posts should only be visible for logged-in users.

If a user is not logged in, an error message should appear.

Blog Posts

Alice's first post (published)

Published: true
This is Alice's first post. It's published, so this is data that all logged-in users are allowed to view.

Alice's third post (published)

Published: true
This is Alice's third post. It's published, so this is data that all logged-in users are allowed to view.

Bob's second post (published)

Published: true
This is Bob's second post. It's published, so this is data that all logged-in users are allowed to view.

Bob's HTML post (published)

Published: true
This is Bob's blog post using <b>HTML</b> and an image: <img src="x" onerror="alert('pwned')" />

Bob's Markdown post (published)

Published: true
This is Bob's blog post using **Markdown** and an image in HTML: <img src="x" onerror="alert('pwned')" />